https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/multiple-esent-warnings-event-id-642-post-2004/71de4a23-dced-4a8c-b1a5-dfc601bb47ed Multiple ESENT Warnings Event ID 642 post 2004 Upgrade Today 6/9/20 I got the update for Win 2004 along with several other updates. I installed the patch Tuesday updates before installing the Win 2004 update with no problems. I then installed Win 2004 update and I had no problems with it and after testing […]
reg add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL” /v “EventLogging” /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Make sure SSH is turned on. Putty IP & port 22 Login Password > ls //vmfs/volumes/datastore1 (confirm that this where the disk is) > cd //vmfs/volumes/datastore1 > ls > vmkfstools -i “Name.vmdk” -d thin “thinName.vmdk” (replace name.vmdk with the actual name) > vmkfstools -E “Name.vmdk” -d thin “origName.vmdk” > vmkfstools -E “thinName.vmdk” -d thin “Name.vmdk” […]
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Look for a NoDrives DWORD. We then renamed it NoDrives_OLD & rebooted
Supposedly, there is a “ThinkVantage recovery utility”, which can be accessed either through Windows, or by pressing F11 during boot. Neither worked for me. Also, the magic one-button you were looking for does not exist on Thinkpads, only on Idea series – as far as I can tell. So, 3 easy steps then: 1) https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/lenovorecovery […]
Exchange Admin Center > Mail Flow > Rules