grep -o ‘[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*@[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*‘ EMAIL_SAMPLES.TXT | sort | uniq -i
grep -o ‘[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*@[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*‘ EMAIL_SAMPLES.TXT | sort | uniq -i
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘debian-sys-maint’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘WNp632pKCfeOrIIg’ WITH GRANT OPTION;
rndc flush
bitdefender unix from and install to my linux. try run the bdscan but get those message ./bdscan BitDefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices v7.90123 Linux-i586 Copyright © 1996-2009 BitDefender. All rights reserved. Your license has expired. and request the new key for unix version from this url and get the mail from bitdefender. vi […]
using “cp -p” should maintain the file permissions, and timestamps.
Find out Gateway / router IP address under Linux / UNIX You need to use command called route. It manipulates the kernel’s IP routing tables. It can also use as follows to print gateway / router IP address: $ route -n
SSH, REMOTE SCRIPT, ERROR MESSAGE Try ssh -t -t to force pseudo-tty allocation even if stdin isn’t a terminal.
Create a .mailrc in /root directory Cat .mail.rc set folder=imap:// set smtp=smtp:// set smtp-auth=login set smtp-auth-user=admin set smtp-auth-password=password
RO12295 – Added support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11. This is available for download at:
Open /etc/udev/rules.d/ – persistent-net.rules