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Recreating Certificates on OES, migrating to a new server, and checking status (in a nutshell) Author Info 3 October 2012 – 11:25am Submitted by: shawniverson2 Preparation Step 1 — Become One with Your Environment Understand and document your environment. i.e. IP Addressing, services running on old server, eDirectory structure, etc. This information is different in […]
Most likely the namcd service (rcnamcd status) is not starting due to a corrupted PKI certificate recreate the certificate in imanager, (on netware is was pkidiag.nlm) run namconfig -k check to see if namcd startsĀ (rcnamcd status) restart server
suse_register -a email=emailaddress@yourdomain.com -a regcode-oes=thecode -a regcode-sles=thecode
/bin /boot Don’t Restore /dev Don’t Restore /etc Don’t Restore /etc/fstab /home /lib /media /mnt /opt /proc Don’t Restore /root /sbin /srv /sys /tmp /usr /var
NDS edirectory ldap server listening on the TCP port. Novell ediectory ldap server is not listening on the tls port. Executing customized settings after starting of the Novell eDirectory server. Solution: