Edit the sys:\etc\traparg.cfg file Put in destination & reboot
<strong>Socket Error GroupWise 8</strong><img title=”Socket Error Groupwise 8″ src=”” alt=”Socket Error Groupwise 8″ width=”293″ height=”167″ /> Your GroupWise account has the extra voice mail account added, if you acidently change the from address in a email to your Voice mail account you will get the Unknown Socket error.
On the server the webaccess is up and it looks like it is working. But in reality java & tomcat have died. If the server is not abended, you can get it running again by do these steps: unload Webaccess (f7 on agents) or stopweb unload java tc4stop tc5stop load tomcat4 load tomcat5 strtweb
Novell Client works in Windows 7 in 32bit & 64bit modes FYI: It is known problem “Bug” that the login script does not work at login. Work Around: Login Local to workstation and client the RED N and login to Novell.
Must be Netware 5.0 & Above 1. In NWAdmn32, right-click on the context of users you want the password administrator to be in-charge of. 2. Select “Trustees of this Object…”. 3. Select “Add Trustee” and select the user that you want to be the password administrator. 4. Click on the “Selected properties:” radio button. 5. […]
3-16-09 Removed address space because memory protection violation Address Space: POA Reason: Page fault, Attempt to read from non-present page The Dark Times 1 of 4 7/1/2009 3:38 PM Running Thread: GWTCP-VOL-Handler-21 EIP: OxF455C333 (GWENN5.NLM +Ox81C33) Access Location: OxAf2C6158 Resolve: Load MTA & POA into Protected Memory