control mlcfg32.cpl
control mlcfg32.cpl
Login Username: Post-Office.username Example vh_po.abn Esample pd_po.abn
Exporting a GroupWise Address Book • GroupWise can export addresses in two different formats: .NAB (Novell Address Book) and .VCF (vCard format). • The .NAB format is preferred for exporting GroupWise Address Books. NAB files are comma-delimited which gives you the most flexibility to import into other mail programs, such as Microsoft Outlook. In addition, […]
<strong>Socket Error GroupWise 8</strong><img title=”Socket Error Groupwise 8″ src=”” alt=”Socket Error Groupwise 8″ width=”293″ height=”167″ /> Your GroupWise account has the extra voice mail account added, if you acidently change the from address in a email to your Voice mail account you will get the Unknown Socket error.
Windows Messaging not installing correctly Uninstall Groupwise, install Windows Messaging for NT, then re-install groupwise
On the server the webaccess is up and it looks like it is working. But in reality java & tomcat have died. If the server is not abended, you can get it running again by do these steps: unload Webaccess (f7 on agents) or stopweb unload java tc4stop tc5stop load tomcat4 load tomcat5 strtweb
3-16-09 Removed address space because memory protection violation Address Space: POA Reason: Page fault, Attempt to read from non-present page The Dark Times 1 of 4 7/1/2009 3:38 PM Running Thread: GWTCP-VOL-Handler-21 EIP: OxF455C333 (GWENN5.NLM +Ox81C33) Access Location: OxAf2C6158 Resolve: Load MTA & POA into Protected Memory