How to reset the Directory Services Restore Mode administrator account password in Windows Server

Reset the DSRM administrator password

Click Start > Run, type ntdsutil, and then click OK.

At the Ntdsutil command prompt, type set dsrm password.

At the DSRM command prompt, type one of the following lines:

To reset the password on the server on which you’re working, type reset password on server null. The null variable assumes that the DSRM password is being reset on the local computer. Type the new password when you’re prompted. Note that no characters appear while you type the password.


To reset the password for another server, type reset password on server servername, where servername is the DNS name for the server on which you’re resetting the DSRM password. Type the new password when you’re prompted. Note that no characters appear while you type the password.

At the DSRM command prompt, type q.

At the Ntdsutil command prompt, type q to exit.