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This user does not have the correct credentials to authenticate to the CIMOM client.

This user does not have the correct credentials to authenticate to the CIMOM client.

Before SP6, iManager used access to the _ADMIN volume to manage these components. With SP6, Novell introduced a new architecture where a a common plugin storagemgmt.npm does that communication with the server and now preferably uses OpenWbem/CIMOM to access the server and only uses the _ADMIN volume if CIMOM is not running on the server. Now the problem is that CIMOM uses LDAP authentication based on the user’s uniqueID rather than the CN attribute. Especially users created with old tools like NWADMN32.EXE may not have their uniqueID set and therefore authentication will fail.

This is the same situation as described in TID3153340 and the same solution applies.

Another quick workaround is to not load openWbem on the server. This workaround is however less friendly for mobile iManager.

Unload openWbem